Advertising guide and rates
Choose from 3 levels of sponsorship spanning four placement options for your advertisement.
Why Advertise with Us?
Access a niche international online market of cottage lovers who are looking for a Canadian experience.
Sponsorship Levels
Gold: Homepage Placement 1 + Placement 3 + Placement 4
- Image size(s) required: (260 x 680 pixels) AND (220 x 220 px)
- Price: $1,600 a year
Silver: Placement 2 + Placement 3 + Placement 4
- Image size(s) required: 220 x 220 px
- Price: $1,200 a year
Bronze: Placement 3 + Placement 4
- Image size(s) required: 220 x 220 px
- Price: $600 a year
Placement 1: Homepage Hero
Page link:
How it works: Each time the homepage is loaded, your image can be viewed. A new sequence of images will be featured. These will be still images that do not rotate until the page gets refreshed.
Placement 2: Homepage Trusted Partners
Page link: (scroll down a bit)
How it works: Each time the page loads, a horizontal grid will display 4 random images.
Placement 3: Property Page
Page link: (click on any property)
How it works: Each time a property page loads, a series of 4 random images will appear.
Placement 4: Sponsors Page
Page link:
How it works: All sponsor logos will be featured on this page.